When you access our website, we (Fanesis Ltd. of Kappelikuja 6 B, 02200 Espoo, Finland) may install various categories of cookies and other tracking technologies on your device with your consent (where required). This Cookie Policy should be read in conjunction with our Privacy Policy and sits in line with Finland’s Data Protection Act (DPA), the EU`s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the Privacy and Electronic Communications Regulation (PECR).

We ask that you read this policy carefully before using the website to understand how we use cookies and how you can manage them.
What is a "cookie"?
A "cookie" is a text file that is placed on your device (computer, smartphone, tablet, etc.) by your browser when you visit this website. The word "cookie" is also used in this policy for other digital measurement techniques, such as web beacons.

Thanks to cookies, our web server is able to present you with individualised web pages that most closely match your needs in order to personalise your experience on our website. We also use third party cookies for our analytical and marketing activities that originate from a domain other than the domain of the website you are visiting. Some cookies are important to the functionality of the website and are set automatically by us when users visit. Other cookies enable us to provide users with the services and features that most closely meet their needs and to customise our service to you to ensure that the website is easy and quick to use.

How are you informed?
When you first access our website, you will be informed via an appropriate banner about the use of cookies and the associated cookie categories. The individual cookies are described below.

Make your choice about the cookie categories
You can access our cookie management tool to manage your cookie settings for each cookie category by clicking on the relevant button in the cookie banner or change your Browser setting following the for you relevant link Internet Explorer, Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Microsoft Edge. (except for strictly necessary cookies, which cannot be turned off in our systems).

What types of cookies does this website use and for what purposes?
We use the following types of cookies on this website:

Essential cookies
Essential cookies allow the user to navigate within the website and use features. These cookies cannot be turned off in our system.

Analytics / Performance / Tracking Cookies
Analytics /Performance /Tracking cookies collect information about the behaviour of visitors to our website (target group measurement) and the internet activity of users. They help us to improve the features of our website, to identify the areas of greatest interest to our users and to learn more about the effectiveness of our advertising campaigns. All of this helps us to provide our users with the services and features that best meet their needs.

Strictly necessary cookies
We use strictly necessary cookies,
- to ensure that the website and all its features are running correctly,
- to allow you to store information about a form you may have filled in on our website or products, services or information you have selected,
- to allow you to access your personal areas on our website,
- to customise the appearance of the website according to your preferences (language, format, etc.),
- to implement security measures when you log in.

You can set your browser to block these cookies or to inform you about these cookies, but by doing so you may encounter difficulties in accessing the website or its services.

Analytics / performance / tracking cookies
We use Analytics cookies, performance cookies and tracking cookies
- to statistically evaluate the use of our website,
- to recognise the effectiveness of our advertising campaigns and
- to obtain non-personal information about visitors' usage patterns on our website in order to further improve it.

Some performance cookies are provided by authorised third party providers but may only be used for the purposes stated here. The use of performance and tracking cookies requires your prior consent. If you do not allow these cookies, this should not affect your use of our website.

The Cookies we use







The _ga cookie, installed by Google Analytics, calculates visitor, session and campaign data and also keeps track of site usage for the site's analytics report. The cookie stores information anonymously and assigns a randomly generated number to recognize unique visitors.

2 years



Installed by Google Analytics, _gid cookie stores information on how visitors use a website, while also creating an analytics report of the website's performance. Some of the data that are collected include the number of visitors, their source, and the pages they visit anonymously. 

1 day



Set by Google to distinguish users.

1 minute

Google Analytics
These cookies are used by Google Analytics to measure the performance of our platform. It identifies each user on the web site and stores information such as session duration, pages viewed. No information about the actual identity of the user is known or stored.

Cookie management: https://www.google.com/policies/privacy/, https://tools.google.com/dlpage/gaoptout/

Changes to this cookie policy
Any future changes to our Cookie Policy will be posted on this website. We recommend that you check it regularly for updates or changes. We will inform you of any significant changes and obtain your consent if required. Please see our privacy policy for more information about how we process your personal data.

Last updated on 07.03.2022.